Yesterday I had the pleasure of presenting ”Exploring our response to AI in higher education” to the Connecting Legal Education Network.

Within the session, we looked at our own reactions to AI (are we using it?); we considered our community response and the policy response of institutions.

Here are the concerns shared about AI and the perceived opportunities:

It was interesting to contrast the differing positions across education right now – contrasting a pro-exam position with a position that embraces the tools available. The question of how to respond to AI is substantial, but an hour of meandering and engaging led to the following recommendations:

•Build communities of scholarship and academic pride with integrity at its core

•Be an active user of the tools – so that we can better support students and each other

•Reduce the reasons for cheating (consider assessment load, feedback benefits, ipsative approaches)

•Consider the evidence for non-anonymous marking

•Explore assessment formats – look at authentic approaches

•Build evidence rather than reacting ‘here and now’

•No paradigm wars – different responses are OK

•Share practice generously as we navigate through this

I am sharing the slides in case they are of interest to others.